Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How to run away?

I am 20 years old, no job, living on a friend's couch (yes, a bit pathetic...).

I want to start over somewhere new. I'm expecting at least 2500 dollars (hopefully) in the next few months. I will need to get a car out of that money and I want to change my identity...I would like to get a job somewhere else...but where...and how can I pull this off...especially without anyone close to me knowing...

If I don't do this, I will end up trapped in a situation like that of my mother...I want to be someone in this world...and if there is a way for me to go to India or England or even just Alabama...I'll do it. (I'm in Washington State right now and have never been to those places). I don't care where I endup in this world...I just need a reason to get there and something to do when I'm there...

I want a new life.

Any advice?How to run away?
you dont a new identity to go live your life somewhere an adult...go wherever you want your age you should have the world by the tail...if your family tries to stop you...tell them they have no right.....please dont just vanish....that causes fear like you never know for those who care about you....just go and start you life, but please be careful.....dont get sucked into something dangerous...there are so many predators out there just waiting for someone like you to wander along.....2500 dollars is not alot of will need to have money to live on when you get wherever you are please take care in finding a safe sure that whoever hires you isnt out to take advantage of your back and keep a sharp eye out on the whole picture all around at all times you sound like a smart kid......i hope you know what you are doing.....but please dont hurt those close to you in the may need them someday.....let me know how things turn for you....please take of careful......ToriHow to run away?
move to sacramento.calif.the jobs r booming and its a very diversified city.How to run away?
2500 dollars won't last long but people come to the US with less every day. Just go for it and jump. You will land on your feet. Why do you want to change your identity. you will still be you. You can fool other oeople but you can't fool your self. ok I wouldn't do anything like that unless I was totally in love and we were doing it together. So think that part you have family type people?How to run away?
Sounds like a nice life. Why don't you go somewhere to get a job like the rest of society? How the hell are you going to survive in India?How to run away?
Believe it or not, finding people on myspace, yahoo, places like that (if you've known them for awhile) can be a great help in getting yourself settled somewhere else. Ask if you can crash on their couch for a bit until you get yourself secured with a job and a studio apartment (keep pepper spray on you in case they turn out to be creepy). Explore your options. Meet people. Make connections.How to run away?
HMmmm, running away from problems isn't the answer, you can have a new life without ditching everyone and everything. However, moving is not a bad idea if you want a new start, but I wouldn't go about it the way you said. 2,500 is not going to get you far on starting a new and successful life. So maybe you should rethink this?How to run away?
2500 won't get you much for a car unless it's old, used and probably needs a lot of work.

Changing your identity will cost money as well.

I know what it's like to feel trapped, want out, want a new personae and just leave. I'm not on a friend's couch yet but I'm very close.

My older sister left home after college with 2000 in her pocket, went to Hollywood, found a job and started working her way up the ladder. It can be done if you really want it bad enough and are willing to do what it takes, even if that means flipping burgers or taking meal orders for a while to pay the bills.

Right now I'm working three part time jobs, and trying to get enough to get my own condo so I can get out too. We all want to be someone, but if you don't know what, or where you want to be in life, or at least have some idea of direction, you'll spend a lot of time bouncing around without getting anywhere.

Take some time. Look at yourself, your skills, your wants and needs and your goals, then figure out how you're going to get there, and go do it.

Good luck.How to run away?
trust me, you most definitely do not want to go to alabama. if you want to change your identity, you have to do it through the correct government avenues. it isn't too hard, it is just time consuming. then the world is pretty much your oyster. pick a place you want to go, and go there. jobs are easy to find, just pick whatever suits you best. waiting tables is usually available anywhere and pays remarkably decent money. anything is a possibility if you want it bad enough. my best advice is to save up as much cash as possible, take whatever possessions you have and hop a bus to whereever you want to go. i hear that savannah georgia is really nice this time of year.How to run away?
i ran away, but i left va to go to fl i was 19 with a baby no job or money or car, i lived my grandmom for a few months got a job, got a cheap car since then i have %26quot;run away%26quot; perhaps three more times. running away doesn't always mean your running from problems cause theyre everywhere it just means they maybe they couldn't be resolved there and its time to move on... my life turned out ok, i am engaged and happy. good luckHow to run away?
Just follow your heart and mind.If you think that is good for you so just do it!Every problem have a way to go..your situations is also considers as a problem so I beleaved that you can find the way to find your future...Goodluck for finding it.....How to run away?
I moved to Rhode Island when I was 20 years old and found a job after I got here.

I think it is a decent place to live.

The cost of living is lower here than New York and Boston.

Your money will last longer if you do not buy a car.

Many cities have public transportation.

You probably should go to school and at least get an Associates Degree at a Community College.

I wish I knew why you cannot tell your parents where you are going.