Thursday, September 22, 2011

Identity Crisis!! Nickname change.?

Okay, some of you may think this is totally ridiculous, but my first name is Genesis and I shortened it to Genni awhile back and now it's Gen. I got tired of people asking me how I got my name. It gets old after awhile. Anyways I was thinking about changing it to Genna (Pronounced Jenna) What do you think?Identity Crisis!! Nickname change.?
I love it!.... If you like the name, then I say go for it!Identity Crisis!! Nickname change.?
You are very Welcome Genna! I hope that you have a great day.

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Identity Crisis!! Nickname change.?
uh..greatIdentity Crisis!! Nickname change.?
Are you tired of people asking or are you tired of answering? Shorten ur answer instead...

I'm curious - why dontcha just use Genesis?

any version is gonna end up bein Gen!

of course there's always Sis! lol

good luck! Sis! ;o)Identity Crisis!! Nickname change.?
Wow you must be hot. But apparently your parents must not like you very much. With a name like Genesis you are destined to become a stripper. Sorry kideo, say hi to Ferrari and Bunny for me.
  • how old do i look
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