17 year old male, just left a country without notice to anyone in my family,ran away with help of uncle, I need to know if and how I can legally change my identity without a parent. Step by step guide.
-Thanks for your time, HI need to change my name, and fast,help needed.?
Well it would help to know what country you left and what country you went to. If you're still considered a minor, then you might be out of luck, but if you're considered an adult then you can legally change your name. It depends on what countries are involved though. In the US you can't legally change your name until you're 18.
Oh, and you might want to ask this in a different category, maybe law.I need to change my name, and fast,help needed.?
This is insane :D
Anyway, I can't be much help to you cause I don't know much about changing names, but I'm sure after 16 you're legally classed as an adult (in the UK anyway) and can most likely change your name yourself.
Check out this website for help.