Thursday, November 18, 2010

Should baby P's mother be allowed to change her Identity?

just heard that her solicitor is applying for her to be allowed to change her Identity for her protection. How do you feel about that?

personally I think its disgusting. She allowed her son to be tortured and murdered. Why on earth does she deserve protection?Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
Only under the following conditions.

1. She saws her right leg off in public with a rusty hacksaw blade without anaesthetic.

2. She pokes her eyes out with a rusty nail.

3. She pours nitric acid over her face.

4. She wears a label that describes her past crime.

5. Her new identity, picture and address is published worldwide.

Only under those simple and fair terms. Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
she should be paraded all over the television for the whole world to look at and then she can change her name all she likes but we will still know who she is.Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
She needs to live in the same hell that that little boy did! Society can torture her but nothing compared to what happened to him, she deserves that at leastShould baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
i dont think she should be allowed to conseal her identity

but shel get people attacking her on the street

which goes against her rights to protection

which is why they are considering it

it doesnt matter to the gov that this thing allowed her son to be killed etc

they dont want her sueing them for not acknoleging her rights Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
Sick people like this make me want the death penalty back!!!Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
NO Waaaaaaaaay. I think they should bring back hanging just for her.Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
thing is though, would we feel good about ourselves if we got her and killed her? or would we be failing gandhi eye for eye?...........Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
Shouldn't be protected she should be tortured like she did to her poor baby.

Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
why is she not in jailShould baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
She should be hung drawn %26amp; quartered for what she done/allowed to happen to that gorgeous wee boy.

I'm sick of the ''justice system'' protecting those who don't deserve it %26amp; letting the ones who can look after themselves down!Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
no no no .. she should be sterilised to stop her having any more children ever and the boyfriend should be castratedShould baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
No she shouldnt!! The tax payers should also not have to pay for this! Its outrageous, we should have a say in how our money is spent!!Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
After what she did she should never, ever be allowed out of prison. The justice system in this country stinksShould baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
No she should not be allowed to change identity!!! Why should she?

Who would want to protect her, she doesn't deserve it. That poor little boy did nothing wrong and didn't deserve the life he was given - it's appalling that someone would even consider protecting her.

I say stick her to a billboard in the middle of Trafalgar Square for all to do whatever they want to!Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
That ***** should burn she is a whor3 who let her child die it is SICK i want that whore to go to jail and get stabbed if i was i women i would commit a small crime so i could go to he same prison as her and get her there and her ****** boyfriend should get a taste of his own medicine tooShould baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
Let's just keep this in perspective, eh?

She has asked to change her identity. Her request is unlikely to be granted, given that she was an adult at the time of the offence. Mind you, if people hadn't been so keen to defy an order of court, this wouldn't have arisen at all.

EDIT: Fairycake; What on earth leads you to say that there is any power to change your name granted by the Human Rights Act, or did you just make that up?Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
This is precisely why the judge requested anonymity in the first place.

Now the ones who'd like to get their hands on her can't because some smart alek's decided to disobey the order.This just goes to show that mob rule is pathetic.Shot themselves in the foot.

How do we bring up the next generation to be decent human beings when we flout the law and bay for blood?Yes the Law's an *** at times so we lobby for change we shouldn't take it in to our own hands.Two wrongs don't make a right.Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
Yes it is disgusting but for me Violence is never the answer.

Whilst in Prison and they find out what she has done and lives her life in solitary confinement they will still get to her. Yes they will change her identity, under the Human Rights Act but Karma has a way of biting you on the backside.

Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
the thing is that if she didn't, she would have vigilanties after her constantly. Now dont get me wrong, i personally thinks she deserves that and a WHOLE lot more. However, as a civilised society, which most of us that live in the first world are, we just cannot allow it to happen. She was not civilised, she WILL face judgement for this in one way or another (Im not religious) but by reacting the same way she did with that poor little soul, would make us as bad as her. She will get whats comingShould baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
While I have some sympathy with your ideas, the people to blame are those who insist on %26quot;outing%26quot; the parents.

We should leave the justice system to deal out the punishments, and not take it into our own hands. Not that the sentences are long enough, or harsh enough.

However, the case does make people feel very strongly and I am sure her life is in danger. If she hadn't been %26quot;outed%26quot; it would not have been necessary.Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
I dont agree that she should be allowed to change her identity before she has even been punished or served any time for the crime committed. However name changing is very easy in the Uk and dosent have to be done by deedpole or a solicitor. Your name is legally whatever you decide to call yourself or want to change it too, as long as the new name is used on all official documents and not used for fraudulent purposes. This woman will change her name again on release anyway not only to protect herself but her family and other kids that she has. They may not be in her care now but that dosent mean they might not want a relationship with her when they are old enough to decide for themselves. Also as she didnt mistreat them, they may even have supervised contact with her while she is serving her sentence. Then theirs the rehabilitation act, whereby ex offenders can have the right to be treated as anyone else after serving their sentence. Rightly or wrongly she has rights by law the same as everyone else. Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
As disgusting and depraved as she is, it's because vigilantes would certainly track her down and give her a good beating, which is against the law. Maxine Carr changed her identity too (although the tabloids still found her)

Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
i think she will get such a beating in prison that she will be unidentifiable when she is released. well ,we can hope.Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
Her name will be released after the second equally disgusting trial. Why I am paying for her to get another house to leave manky and get rats in and get 24 hours police protection. Vile woman will just meet another social misfit to have kids with, does anyone think this woman will have learnt anything on leaving prison, except for what benefits to claim?Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
Lets put her on the At Risk Register - just like her son was.

She deserves the same protection that Baby P got - none.

Remember all three were found guilty of allowing or causing Baby P's death... she's just as guilty as the other two scum.Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
NO WAY! if that happens then where is the justice for that innocent child????Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
HELL NO, hope the b*tch gets what she deserves.Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
The only change that she needs is to achieve is to the fact that she is still alive. Hopefully someone somewhere will get to her and let her know exactly what kind of pain that baby suffered before doing what the Government should be doing to her and the other 2, hung by the neck until they die.Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
I think it's wrong. She committed this crime so should pay for it. Also, I don't want to pay for her safety either. Normally I don't condone violence but what they all did to that innocent child deserves it!Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?

That ***** should be tortured and killed, but sadly the pot smoking, abortion loving liberals want to protect her. Should baby P%26039;s mother be allowed to change her Identity?
What do you mean, should she be allowed to change her identity? What a stupid question. She wouldn't get a choice in the matter were it ever to arise. She would be ordered to change it by the authorities in the unlikely event she ever gets released.