i want my name changed,a new tax file no,only for personal reasons.i dont owe anyone money.i want to start fresh without my ex finding out anything about me.i need this and i want it to be legal but dont how to go about it.please if their is anyone that can help by giving me some info about this,then what r u waiting for?
help !!
thanksWhere and how would i be able to change my identity legally?
You can change your name legally and easily by deed poll, it is a very simple process. Check out the website below it gives you the details etc.Where and how would i be able to change my identity legally?
Are you in the U.k...if , so it is easy ...just go to a solicitor and sign an oath stating what your name used to be and what it is now, photocopy the deed and use this to change your name on every document - you wont be able to change your birth certificate so you'll need to send copies of both to get a passport etc.However you'll find that every now and then you'll get an official letter in your old name as some government departments dont notice the change, but persevered and they'll get it eventually. This isn't covered by Legal Aid but is relatively cheap.Where and how would i be able to change my identity legally?
People who are saying you need a deed poll are incorrect. It is a right enshrined in English law that you can c all yourslef by any name you choose - you just tell all the relevent people, including the tax office. They are quite used to dealing with such situations.Where and how would i be able to change my identity legally?
You can change your name by deed poll, however your tax code stays with you for life.
I don't know why you would wish to go to such extreme measures to stop a person finding you, it would be easier for you to get a court order to stoop your ex contacting you.Where and how would i be able to change my identity legally?
Change your name by deed poll, %26amp; ask about changing your other details while you're at the office registering your change of name. or ask at the police station how they deal with Witness Protection programmes, cos I'm sure that's how THEY start new lives.Where and how would i be able to change my identity legally?
Relocate and hire a lawyer to do it for you, it is possible.Where and how would i be able to change my identity legally?
This all depends on what country you live in. In the US I would speak to a lawyer.