Thursday, June 2, 2011

What makes you feel that you are you?

Do identical twins feel one identity over both bodies?

Some people believe that their body causes them exists. Every time I meet identical twins they seem to consider each other separate beings. DNA tests prove that identical twins have the exact same genes. The spooky thing is that identical twins actually begin as one, one egg is fertilized and then splits in two. If they have the same natural making, why don’t they feel they are each other?

Some people argue that the individual occurrences that each twin experiences causes them to separate into individual identities. If new experiences change your identity how are you still you? “I” went through major changes in live but yet the changes happened to “me”. If the twins changed identity because of their contrary experiences, why doesn’t this happen to anyone else?What makes you feel that you are you?
I'm too stupid to give you an answer, but I'll sit back and watch what other people say.
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