Thursday, September 22, 2011

How do i deal with this paranormal?

please give me advice. my grown adult sister has been acting posessed.shes an adult over 18, so am i.

her personality changed severely, her voice is changed.the tone and pitch are not how they used to be, she began to mumble and have stuttering problems, her reality and identity changes.she cannot recall basic detailed facts on herself,things strangers would not know.

she stares really strange with the eyes and has this new angry stare ive never seen before. i saw the devil in her face i sware. the look looks like an ancient thing. my gut instinct was to be scared

she gets violent now and sways and chant,she predicts things and they happen, she repeats word for word of personal conversations i talk of with others she dosnt know when shes an hour or two away,

she repeats back to me parts of my dreams and nightmares...

things she has no way to know, she liftsa furniture too heavy for one person

one night her eyes turned completely black and then weeks later the eye color shade turned really dark, she normally has a light green eye color and it turned almost a jade type color or hunter green ish and its never been like this..

she stares with a blank empty stare into space and she cant remember basic facts on me such as my age and middle name.she cant recall things i know she would know like stuff about the house we grew up in, family events, religous things and traditions in our family religous activity,books she read, her favorite actor, foods she used to find repulsive she now eats in bulk.her entire identity is changed and she knows nothing that a close friend or family member would know about her, she only knows as much as a stranger or aquaintance would know about her.

she tells me shes an actor., she said she wants to take my soul

she has an odd resistance to fire. she puts her hands in flames and they dont hurt or burn

she followed me in a violent fit she had and she had the satanic stare i was scared of weeks earlier, she had this disturbed really angry stare on her face,nothing ive seen before on a human. this really mean stare and she kept staring at me and cornered me at the doorway and faced me staring and i felt a large hand shove me to the back and then down. i felt my feet sliding backwards and hear the rubber of my shoes squeeking against the kithchen flooring. thats not possible to do on my own. and i was shoved hard that i was pushed to the floor and ended up on the floor. she stood there smirking and continuing to stare with the most odd and meanest stare ive ever seen.i screamed loud for her to go away and i ordered her to leave and she finally went away.

i put some salt on the threshold and she didnt come back the rest of the night

i was so scared, her eyes turned black, then she shoved me with just staring at me with the scary unnatural mean stare

also her eyebrows did something odd, she came to me smirking and trying to creep me out and harras me.. she told me to look at her face and her eyebrows went straight up vertically up and down ive never seen that on a human and minutes later she wanted to show me more, she kept following me and threatening violence if i didnt look at her face and her eyes were so strange and the white part of her eyes glowed a white glow, not the iris just the white.. it was so scary and ive never seen the look on her face on a human it was a scary disturbed evil look, a really mean look if you try ti picture it.

so dont believe me if you dont but im scared out of my wits and dont know what to do because thats not normal for her to be following me around and fgor me to be shoved by an entity or for her to make disturbing face and her eyes to turn black and many shades of the natura colors and glow

thats not fine with me

i am scared because she tells me she wants me soul and goes after me specificallyt and becomes violent to me and she repeats personal things on me such as nightmares i have, daydreams, my personal thoughts and conversations i have. she has no way to know any of this and she repeats this stuff to me word by word exactly how it is.

she tells me she controls me and things, she predicts things and they happen,. she predicted my grandmother would get hurt and she had a smile on her face when talking about it and weeks later my grandm,other had a heart attack and my sister jumped for joy and got really happy and smiling after she found out what happened, she then followed it by degrading my grandparents and talking bad about them.

she was not sad one bit.

its like shes making these things happen to get me upset it didnt get her upset. the rest if my family was not even upset odd enough, they witness what she does but they do not care.i was the only one crying hysterical or crying at all after hearing bad news.i was the only person in my emediate family upset

she tells me im next and she was smiling and said she pictures me burning in a fire being attacked and exploding and my body being covered up to hide evidence

i dont even knowHow do i deal with this paranormal?
Sounds like your sister needs to talk to a psychiatrist. No, she's not possessed, but she may very well be mentally ill. And that can be fixable - unlike imaginary problems.How do i deal with this paranormal?
Wow...I'm sorry. i would got to the church (or where ever you go) and ask the priest if he would preform an exorcism on her. I'm not to sure if it really works I've only seen it on TV but it's worth a shot....

I'm sorry again...How do i deal with this paranormal?
Talk to a Pentecostal preacher. Have the church pray over this.How do i deal with this paranormal?
she is sick in the headHow do i deal with this paranormal?
I can only repeat what others have said and advise you to talk to a priest or your church (I'm not strictly Christian so I'm unaware of the details - sorry!), but I really am so sorry for your situation and I sincerely hope that you find a solution. I was close to tears upon reading this, it must be so awful to have this happen to a family member, I really am so sorry.

Also, I would get medical help, as your sister may have a mental illness (I sincerely apologize if me saying that causes offence), and although that wouldn't explain the eyes or eyebrows, it could explain changes to her personality and partial memory loss.

Once again, I really am so sorry for the situation you're in - it sounds terrible. I also hope that your Grandmother is okay, and recovered/is recovering well from her heart attack.

All the best xHow do i deal with this paranormal?
You are very brave and loving to your sister. Thank goodness you're there to help in her time of need. I suggest a good sage burning.

In the past of I've been skeptical of these demon tales. Yours has an absolute ring of truth. No one could make up such a terrible story(and I mean terrible).Who could possibly doubt you. You are an inspiration to the growing number of Internet tale tellers.How do i deal with this paranormal?
There could be many reasons for these changes besides demonic possession; mental illness, cult involvement, or drug use are three strong candidates. In any regards, the first thing you need to do is an intervention. You need to get with her loved ones, your parents, her friends, etc. and discuss her changes. See if everyone agrees or has any information about why the change in behavior. Then all of you need to confront her about the changes, perhaps with a psychologist to help determine the root cause of the changes and determine the next steps of action.

If a psychologist cannot determine the source of behavior, then consider the paranormal. Always seek the rational, logical, and natural answers first. They are usually the correct ones. Not always, but most of the time. Besides if you seek a true exorcist, they will be requiring the same type of medical/psychological review before even considering an exorcism.How do i deal with this paranormal?
I had siblings, so I know what you mean. It passes when you all move out of your parents house.

If you are both already moved out of your house, then I would suspect she should get a pregnancy test, it sounds like her hormones might be an issue here.