Thursday, September 22, 2011

Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?

We know that men generally tend to be more rigid and inflexible, more hostile to change than women, particularly when it comes to their own gender identity being changed by external factors.

Look don't misinterpret me, I want freedom of choice for roles, and I prefer people to do what comes naturally to them, and in the end just being themselves.

Now what I'm saying is there's a difference between allowing choice of gender roles, than promoting particular gender roles (i.e. the sensitive man, the metrosexual), what if they are good for SOME men, but not for all. It seems that through feminist thought, a sort of chinease whispers has occurred, where feminists are promoting and encouraging more feminine roles for men, rather giving men choice. And aggressively promoting these thee OVER traditional roles, that have lasted for thousands of years until now. In other words, no feminist out there is going to tell me to act more feminine or sensitive, I'm going to be myself. Something this generation of men and the next, need to learn how to do. And always question authority. Always question politically science and literature.

Do you agree that some feminists have mistaken freedom of gender roles, instead for brainwashing people out of traditional gender roles into roles decided by feminists?Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
Feminists have done nothing but given men choice. We encourage men to be reasonably sensitive and respectful of women, but not feminine or soft. That's a reasonable request, don't you think? Beyond that, we simply don't care.Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
It depends on the women in your life. If you are a traditional man and get a powerfull liberated woman, that is troubel.Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
I can see why guys like gender roles and women don't, its because the 'gender roles' doesnt conflict with 'masculinity', but only if you are a man. the problem with 'masculinity' is that it portrays a positive aspect about a person, but only a man can identify with these positive aspects.

If you are a woman you can't be masculine and strong, because that is only a trait of a guy. and if you are a man it is shameful to be anything like a girl, because girls arent masculine. so its good for guys, but it makes girls feel ashamed and confused. that's what i see as far as all this gender stuff goes.

I think we should instead all play %26quot;roles%26quot; based on our personality instead of %26quot;gender roles%26quot; based on the sex we were born.Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
Gender roles does not construct my identity. I'm a woman no matter if I work, if I wear pants and I don't want to have a children. So I have perfectly defined my identity and gender roles are not a must for afirmation of identity...Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
No, I don't think that's the case at all.

Most feminists are too tired to promote your role for you.

As far as I'm concerned, just be respectful.Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
I want men to be themselves, I like men as people...a lot of feminists want the man to play a role..I pity these men teamed up with this sort of is the reverse of telling a woman to stay barefoot, pregnant and chained to the stove...Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
yes, some feminist feel that traditional family structure and male roles threaten their freedom and as such don't consider them valid life choices for menWere men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
Yes. Men today are WEAK and LOVE TO COMPROMISE to the point that it's utterly sickening.

I am traditional in my views of male/female relationships. Guys today LOOOOOOOOVE to %26quot;wash the dishes and clothes.%26quot;

A woman feeling %26quot;uncomfortable%26quot; or %26quot;oppressed%26quot; when she's cleaning house, taking care of the children, taking care of hubby, etc., sounds as ridiculous as a man feeling %26quot;uncomfortable%26quot; or %26quot;oppressed%26quot; about working a full time job and occasional overtime to provide for his family.

No offense Robert G, but %26quot;threaten their freedom%26quot; to do what? As far as I'm concerned a REAL woman is concerned with anything that threatens HER CAPACITY/%26quot;FREEDOM%26quot; TO BE A GOOD MOTHER AND WIFE.Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
My husband just called and weirdly and strangely - this is so bizarre this issue has come up due to a situation that he messed up on which he didn't deny - life/living responsibility. However, sometimes words don't match actions. I know guys do not enjoy this either, messing up. If I say I'm going to do something I do it unless extreme circumstances pop up out of the blue and even so I check to see if it was my fault or caused by something else that is out of my control. I also don't like messing up but sway more towards problem-solving then brooding about it.

After honesty and sharing reflection, he said no, %26quot;women are surely not weak%26quot;, and I said %26quot;interesting...just irony that's all that you would say that%26quot; due to the fact of what this topic is about I am on today. I told him there is a lot notation about %26quot;weak%26quot; on here. He said %26quot;tell them women are not weak%26quot; and no, I'm not bragging or making it up, that is what my hubby suggested I to do. Don't you think that reflection to personal motivation is a sign of strength for both men and women?Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
I belive each man and woman is equal and should account for each others needs. If it means being more sensitive or more Macho. But either way it should be 50-50. I wash clothes and put them away, cook dinner,Work, Take of baby. My husband washes the dishes, sweeps and mops,works,and cuts grass. So we are equal this question is not any of my concerns.Were men more happy when gender roles and identity was more clearly defined? Are men today lost?
I like it that I'm not expected to take care of my husband. That's because he is an able bodied individual who is perfectly capable of taking care of himself. He is not a helpless invalid who needs someone to feed him, dress him, bathe him, and pick up after him. He's not totally lost and helpless when I'm not around. He can clean house, cook meals, and care for our daughters. In fact, one time when I was taking evening classes, I didn't have to worry if the girls would be fed and have clean diapers. That was because not only were they fed, but also bathed and changed, and put to bed. He did all those things himself instead of putting them off and waiting for me to get home and do them. I don't understand why some men feel it's an affront to their masculinity when they do household chores. Those children are theirs, too, and need to be cared for.